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Custom Mouthguards in Richmond

girls playing ball in the fieldIf you or your child are involved in sports, you’re at a higher risk of dental injuries like broken or knocked-out teeth. Investing in a protective mouthguard can reduce your risk of dental emergencies and facial lacerations. They may also lower your chances of a concussion during traumatic injuries.

We recommend wearing a mouthguard for any type of contact sport or athletic activity where facial injuries are common. Football, wrestling, rugby, basketball and cycling are just a few examples. It will be one of the best pieces of protective equipment that you ever purchase.

Protecting Your Smile

A sports mouthguard covers all of your upper teeth, adding a protective cushion around them. So if something hits your mouth, there’s a lower risk of your front teeth breaking or getting knocked loose. The mouthpiece also reduces the chances of your lips or cheeks from getting cut against the edges of your teeth, if you’re hit in the mouth.

Although the mouthguard is only on your upper teeth, it protects your lower jaw as well. If any type of trauma forces your lower teeth upwards, they’ll come into contact with the mouthpiece. This buffer prevents tooth-on-tooth trauma, but it also limits the motion of your jaw, where it meets the base of your skull. It’s this unique characteristic that adds extra protection against concussion-type injuries.

Professionally fitted sport mouthguards are created from a mould of your teeth. By taking an impression of your bite, we can pour a model and then form the mouthguard material over the replica of your teeth. An impression is all that you need! We can even adjust the colour of your sports appliance to match your favourite colour or team jersey.

Stock or “one size” mouthguards can be purchased at practically any drugstore or athletic retailer. However, they have a looser fit that allows them to fit more sizes of mouths. The downside to this design is that if you’re hit or fall, there’s a greater chance of the guard coming loose and falling out, predisposing you to a higher risk of injury.

Looser stock mouthguards also tend to be more cumbersome. Most people find them bulky and difficult to drink with, making them more prone to taking the mouthpiece out during their activities.

On the other hand, a professionally fitted sports mouthguard will fit your smile like a glove. It conforms to every tooth and curve throughout your mouth, allowing a secure fit that stays in place when you need it to. The customised design also makes it more comfortable to wear, so you’ll be able to focus on the activity at hand. You can keep on talking, hydrating and playing without something getting in the way.

Investing in a sports mouthguard for your child (or yourself) could be one of the best things you ever do. Avoiding broken jaws and teeth also prevents unnecessary trips to the hospital emergency room or the risk of long-term dental problems.

If your child wears a mouthguard, we recommend updating it routinely as their mouth grows and develops. Especially if they have a combination of both primary (baby) and permanent (adult) teeth.

Request Yours Today

For custom sports mouthguards Richmond, contact Bridge Rd Dental today.



Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


Custom Mouthguards Near Melbourne Cricket Ground, Richmond VIC | (03) 9429 6020